2023 Fiscal Year Highlights

The post-pandemic environment impacted many aspects of services in fiscal year 2023. Staff recruitment continued to be the biggest challenge, with several positions left unfilled. The Columbia CPR Program and Residential Department remain understaffed, which impacts ability to enroll people who need assistance. Despite these challenges, New Horizons' consumers reported high overall satisfaction with services.

  • 95% of CPRP enrollees

     report overall satisfaction with services

  • 100% of stakeholders

     report overall satisfaction with services

  • 78% of employees

     report overall satisfaction with their jobs

Access Chart - Helping consumers where and when they need it
  • 34% of screening appointments

    were completed on same day or next day of request


  • 98% of CPRP Enrollees

    had housing

  • 27% of Homeless Path Program Enrollees

    were assisted to find permanent housing

Improved Overall Functioning

  • 73% of Rehabilitation Services Consumers

    enrolled in the past year were rated higher in overall functioning from last year to this year on the daily living assessment (DLA-20)

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centers

Columbia, MO

The Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center in Columbia, MO focused on recovery, representing a culture shift away from drop-in center and toward knowledge of personal illness management and regaining functional skills. They provided enhanced illness management and recovery groups every day.

Jefferson City, MO

The Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center in Jefferson City, MO focused on reconditioning physically and socially after the pandemic, and worked to assist consumers in regaining functional skills. They increased attendance and hours of operation, offering new and different group content for participants.

Healthcare Home

  • 97% of Consumers

    enrolled in Healthcare Home had an annual metabolic screening to determine their risk for multiple chronic health problems

  • 78% of Healthcare Home Consumers

    with a diagnosis of diabetes had their A1c within range

Residential Services

  • 105 Consumers

    served in New Horizons' Housing

  • 98% Occupancy Rate

    maintained (MO Industry Standard = 68%)

  • <1% Medication Error Rate

    (Even when excluding timing errors when the resident did not get the medication within the hour ordered, the Industry Standard = 8.2%)

  • 100% Of Consumers

    who moved out of an intensive Community Psychiatric Rehabilitation level facility showed improvement in their overall functioning

ITCD - Maintaining a Good Thing for Life!
  • 90% of ITCD consumers

    enrolled in the Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders reported satisfaction with services

  • 56% of ITCD consumers

    showed improvement in their Stage of Change, participants overall decreased their inpatient hospital stays and ED visits

Med Service

  • 92% of Consumers

    seeing a Psychiatrist/APRN at New Horizons report overall satisfaction with services

Trauma Informed Care Assessment Results

New Horizons has been working on full integration of trauma informed principles since 2020. This year, we achieved the highest level of integration, "Trauma Informed." Integration of trauma informed care principles is evident throughout the organization.

Our commitment has not wavered since we began this journey and our score improvement since inception is notable.

  • 2020: 3.87

  • 2021: 3.89

  • 2022: 3.94

  • 2023: 4.29