Treatment Support and Guidance

Adult Psychiatric Services

New Horizons is certified by the Missouri Department of Mental Health to provide Community Psychiatric Rehabilitation (CPR) Program services.

Initial / Annual Evaluation & Treatment Plan

Each consumer has an initial and annual comprehensive assessment to assess strengths and problems, and to guide treatment for the coming year. With assistance from staff, consumers are encouraged to develop and attain their own life goals.

Community Support Staff (Community Support Specialists) and consumers work together to:

  • Learn about diagnoses and symptoms
  • Learn symptom management, wellness, and recovery strategies
  • Access resources in the community to combat poverty
  • Make and keep medical appointments
  • Find and keep safe, affordable housing
  • Pursue education or job training
  • Strengthen skills to live independently
  • Develop healthy social and recreational interests

Medication Services

On-site psychiatrist / APRN provide assessments and prescribe medications if needed. Community Support Specialists may assist with getting to appointments and communicating with psychiatrists and may help assure medications are picked up from the pharmacy, set up properly in medication planners, and taken as prescribed. Injectable medications are administered at some sites.

Co-Occurring Substance Use Treatment

New Horizons provides "Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders" (a SAMHSA evidence-based practice) for consumers who struggle with mental illness and substance use disorders. Program highlights include:

  • Substance use screening of all program applicants
  • Comprehensive substance use assessment if indicated for enrolled consumers
  • All clinical staff trained to provide stage appropriate interventions
  • Staff consultation with a substance use professional
  • Individual substance use counseling
  • Group education and counseling

Psychosocial Rehab Centers

Drop-in centers provide a place to feel accepted and respected while focusing on the ultimate goal of recovery. Structured and unstructured recreational, social, educational, and pre-vocational activities, as well as structured treatment groups, are offered.

Located in both Jefferson City and Columbia, the Psychosocial Rehab Centers are day programs that provide consumers with an opportunity to learn or relearn skills, form friendships and have a place to be respected and accepted. Scheduled activities are varied in response to participants' needs and interests.

The centers are operated under a modified clubhouse model where consumers assist in the overall operation of the program including but not limited to: assisting staff with program planning; leading groups; planning, preparing, serving and cleaning up lunch; writing and assembling newsletters; cleaning group areas; and stocking supplies.

Group Activities

  • Specialized treatment and recovery groups
  • Hobby groups or clubs
  • Educational groups on special topics
  • Prevocational training
  • Community volunteering
  • Participation in community events
  • Special interest support groups
  • Various other recreation and sport activities

Programmatic Goals

  • Foster recovery skills
  • Improve daily living and social interaction skills
  • Develop support networks
  • Learn pre-vocational skills
  • Develop and engage in recreational outlets

New Horizons Consumer Advisory Council

What We Do

We're a group where people like you help us make our mental health services better. We believe the best way to improve these services is to listen to the people who use them. That's you!

Who's in the Team

Our team has lots of different people who use our services. We make sure everyone's ideas are heard. This helps us understand what everyone needs and makes our services better for everyone.

Our Leaders

The team is led by the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Staff (PSR staff) who know a lot about mental health care. They help us turn your ideas and suggestions into real plans that make things better for everyone who uses our services.

Meetings & Sharing Ideas

We get together four times a year to talk about how to make our services better. At these meetings, the PSR staff tell us about new things happening at our agency. Then, everyone can share their thoughts, ask questions, or talk about what worries them. Your ideas are really important, and this is where they can make a difference.

Your Impact

Your ideas don't just get heard — they make things happen! After each meeting, our PSR staff pass the feedback on to those higher up in our agency, who use your advice to make decisions and changes that help everyone.

Joining the Team

Do you want to help make our services better? If you use our services, you can join our team! Just talk to one of our team leaders if you're interested.