Home Recovery Support

New Horizons Healthcare Home

Healthcare Home is a healthcare delivery approach that focuses on the whole person and provides healthcare coordination of primary care and behavioral healthcare. New Horizons is a place where individuals can come throughout their lifetime to have their healthcare needs identified and to receive the medical, behavioral and related social services and supports they need. Healthcare Home supports a recovery-focused model of care that encourages consumers to self-manage their chronic health conditions.

The entire treatment team supports this effort by promoting healthy lifestyles, providing prevention and education services, ensuring access to primary and specialty care, using health information technology to monitor critical health indicators, and coordinating/monitoring emergency room and hospital admissions. The Healthcare Home does not provide primary or specialty care directly. Rather, primary and specialty medical care is provided by medical staff in other medical offices in the community with New Horizons staff coordinating care. New Horizons' Nurse Care Managers perform annual health screenings and provide patient education on a variety of topics.

For more information, please see the Harvard Case Study on Healthcare Homes in Missouri.