Residential Services
New Horizons supports each consumer to live as independently as possible in the environment that offers the level of support they need.
Most consumers live independently. Some live in public housing. Many receive rent assistance from local public housing authorities. Some live in supervised programs or facilities where staff either visit frequently or are there 24 hours per day.
Residential Facilities
New Horizons owns and operates Residential Care Facilities licensed by the Missouri Department of Mental Health and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services: Melody House in Jefferson City, MO and Harambee House in Columbia, MO.
Melody House and Harambee House residents are provided with room, board, routine care, twenty-four hour per day staff supervision, and full CPR Program services. The programmatic goals of the Houses include the following: assisting the resident to become more functionally independent, teaching daily living skills, shaping more appropriate behaviors, improving interpersonal relationships, stabilizing psychiatric symptoms and utilizing community resources. When residents have developed the skills necessary to live more independently, New Horizons assists them in moving to a new environment.
Clearview Group Home
New Horizons also owns and operates Clearview Group Home, an 8-bed Group Home Facility for persons diagnosed with Developmental Disabilities. Clearview Group Home is licensed by the Department of Mental Health. The facility provides person centered services based on the residents' individual needs including room and board, protective oversight, assistance with personal care and daily living skills, and mental and physical health support.
Richard Waiz Apartments
An agency owned and administered apartment house in Jefferson City comprised of 9 one-bedroom apartments. On-site staff provide daily supervision and full CPR Program services. The programmatic goals of the facility include the following: assisting the resident to become more functionally independent, teaching daily living skills, shaping more appropriate behaviors, improving interpersonal relationships, stabilizing psychiatric symptoms, and utilizing community resources. When residents have developed the skills necessary to live more independently, New Horizons assists them in moving to a new environment.
McKee Street Apartments
An agency owned and administered apartment house in Columbia comprised of 12 one-bedroom apartments. On-site staff provide daily supervision and full CPR Program services. The programmatic goals of the facility include the following: assisting the resident to become more functionally independent, teaching daily living skills, shaping more appropriate behaviors, improving interpersonal relationships, stabilizing psychiatric symptoms, and utilizing community resources. When residents have developed the skills necessary to live more independently, New Horizons assists them in moving to a new environment.
Warren Scott Apartments
An agency owned and administered apartment house in Jefferson City comprised of 14 one-bedroom apartments. On-site staff administer medications and provide additional services and supports as needed. All residents participate in the CPR Program.
McKee Duplexes
Agency owned and administered apartments in Columbia comprised of 4 duplexes each with two one-bedroom apartments. Staff are available to administer medications and provide additional supports as needed. All residents participate in the CPR Program.
Harmony Apartments
An agency owned and administered apartment house in Jefferson City comprised of 16 one-bedroom apartments and one studio apartment. On-site staff provide services and supports as needed. All residents participate in the CPR Program.